Disturbing facts about smoking and The easy way to quit smoking

As a matter of fact smoking is a very bad habbit which affects our health and it is connected with alot of deadly diseases .  the victims of smoking exceeds the number of the victims of wars and accidents . Smoking is one of the main  causes of cancer where  contains Sixty-nine chemicals cancer causing and chest diseases . Smokers don't only destroy themselves but also the people around them specially Their children they called passive smokers Where causing a coughing, aggravates asthmatic conditions and an increased risk of middle ear problems.
 parents also shouldn't smoke before their childs as they act like them. So the governments and the mass media should play an  important role to show how smoking is harmful to people .
 Today smoking is restricted in almost all public places.  Smoking destroies our health and money so we all should co-operate to quite this bad habbit  and  sensitize smokers thatThe easy way to quit smoking is the determination and self-confidence .